miercuri, 17 octombrie 2007


As we wake up in the morning, after the first things we do (like making coffee, brush the teeth a.s.o.), we usually, or most of us, leave for work.
Beside the traffic warriors, the drivers in this lovely "European" capital called Bucharest, there are few hundred thousand people taking the metro.
I will not talk about how civilized people are. I will not talk about the teenagers that scare me every day. I will not talk about the Gypsies that stink. And most of all, I will not talk about the Romanians that stink and discuss me!
I just wanna talk about S.C. metrorex S.A. Why? Because I think it`s the most insensitive company I`ve ever experienced. When you see thousands and thousands of people walking all over eachother EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY, I can`t imagine who else would just stare with hundreds of eyes and NOT DO A THING.
With big fuss, they announced that there`s gonna be a train passing every 3-4 minutes in rush hours since a week or so ago. Oh, really ? I so wish you metrorex people would have to travel by metro EVERY DAY of your life from now on!
I will not complain about my almost fainting every time I travel by the metro and ruining my day. But I will complain about the lack of survival ways, or things to hang on to, when all you see is people in shadows and beams of light.
If there`s anything in this world I am scared of on a daily basis and that I can`t do anything about, that`s metrorex.
One of the last things - maybe we should find a very smart way to protest against people that would so gladly and easily make our lifes miserable! If anyone has a great idea, just buzz me.
And last thing indeed - why is this article in English? Simple! Because today I`m ashamed I`m Romanian and I have to take crap everyday!

Un comentariu:

Anonim spunea...

Wish I read this earlier. Hats down... This post is just one of the reasons I'd like to read you everyday on your blog ;)